"Shibori" is often translated "as tie-dye," but this easy label is far too limited. Shibori is a galaxy of resist techniques, all involving shaping the fabric in different ways then securing or binding it tightly so that dye does not affect the cloth where it is secured. The variety of techniques is truly astounding, varying from the familiar tie-dye to a wide range of stitched-and-bound techniques to winding and binding cloth to cores of different materials and sizes to folding and clamping between boards and the exotic and wonderful tub-stuffing resist. Though shibori is practiced in many other parts of the world, including techniques not found in Japan, and has historical importance, no single region has as many techniques as Japan. The serendipitous accidental effects that happen with shibori are part of the technique's charm and are particularly dramatic with cotton and indigo.
24P Sakura Explosion Japanese Fabric - Pink/Crepe
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